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Welcome to the Prevention Learning Portal

Your one-stop shop to...

  • expand your knowledge 
  • build your skills 
  • enhance your capacity

…to apply evidence-based prevention approaches in your work and practice.

Why is learning about prevention important?

As you explore the Prevention Learning Portal you will gain a deeper understanding of prevention and how early efforts to identify youth, family, and school risk factors can stop them from becoming major challenges for your community.

Content. The courses offered through this Portal are self-paced, prevention-focused learning opportunities developed by experts with significant experience in providing technical assistance to communities.

Flexibility. These courses have been designed to fit your schedule -- you may start a course and then pause training as needed.

Questions? If you have questions or require additional information, each course includes an email link.

Credit. Finally, you may receive professional development training hours for the topic or topics in which you enroll.