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Locating Community-Level Data in Pennsylvania

The purpose of this course is to provide a basic tutorial on how to access community-level data in Pennsylvania in order to identify localized problem areas, and the underlying risk factors most influencing those problems.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify community-level data sources that are readily available in Pennsylvania.
  2. Utilize a framework for searching for and organizing community-level data to help inform not only what the problems are but why are they occurring.

Penn State is a Pennsylvania Department of Education non-credit Act 48 approved provider. Upon successful completion, participants can earn 1.5 hours toward fulfilling their Act 48 requirements by participating in this course and completing all activities. Be sure to complete the evaluation at the end of this course and indicate if you seek Act 48 credits in your learner profile.

Penn State is proud to partner with the National Association of Social Work, Pennsylvania Chapter to offer Continuing Education Credits. Upon successful completion, participants can apply for 1.5 hours of credit. Be sure to complete the course evaluation at the end of this course and indicate if you seek Social Work CEUs in your learner profile. Upon course completion, you will receive an email with instructions on how to apply and receive credit.


Aaron Luneke PhD, Evaluation and Data Specialist

Kris Glunt, SPEP™  Project Manager

Training Link

eCourse Credential: Act 48 and Social Work CEUs [PA only]

eCourse Length: 1.5 hours

eCourse Level: Introductory

eCourse Type: Full eCourse